Publish date: 25 November 2022
Przeczytasz w 2 min
This year, as part of the INVICTA Group Employee Opinion Survey, we encouraged teams to strive for the highest attendance within their respective areas. We promised that the team with the highest attendance would have the opportunity to donate PLN 2,000 to a chosen charitable cause. In the “competition” for the highest attendance, the Contact Center and E-Center teams emerged as winners with a score of 88.46%!
Yesterday, a delegation from the CC and EC teams visited the Pomeranian Rehabilitation Center for Wild Animals “Ostoja” in Pomieczyn. Through a democratic voting process, the team decided to donate their reward specifically to this cause.
The Pomeranian Rehabilitation Center for Wild Animals “Ostoja” is a foundation whose aim is to provide assistance to protected wild birds and small mammals that are unable to function independently in the wild.
“Ostoja” provides help to protected wild animals – the sick, injured, and orphaned ones that require temporary care, treatment, rehabilitation, and preparation for independent life in their natural environment. The animals that come to “Ostoja” are given a chance to recover and ultimately return to their natural habitat.
“Ostoja” also emphasizes social education by organizing events for children and youth, teaching the youngest generation to respect nature.
Helping has power! 😊